SK Slowakei
  • S10E - Verpackungen

packaging, containers used for the packaging of products

Draft Implementing Decree of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic implementing certain provisions of the Act on the deposit return scheme for disposable beverage containers

The draft Implementing Decree implements the Act on the deposit return scheme for disposable beverage containers and on amendments to certain acts (Notification 2019/0115/SK), the purpose of which is to introduce a deposit return scheme for disposable plastic and metal beverage containers. The draft Implementing Decree specifies the types of disposable beverage containers, in terms of volume, to which the deposit scheme applies. It lays down the minimum amount of the deposit that the end users are to be refunded by the administrator of the deposit return scheme for disposable beverage containers (hereinafter the ‘administrator’) for containers returned as part of the deposit return scheme. According to the draft Act, the administrator is an entity serving as an umbrella organisation for the functioning of the entire deposit return scheme, which is used by packaging producers to fulfil their obligations in relation to disposable beverage containers placed by them on the market. Since every disposable beverage container subject to a deposit will have to have unique marking, the Implementing Decree lays down how they should be marked. The marking will consist of a unique bar code identifier, text marking and graphic label. The subject matter of the Implementing Decree includes details of the administrator’s record-keeping and reporting obligations vis-à-vis the Ministry in relation to disposable beverage containers to which the deposit scheme applies. The details of the record-keeping and reporting obligations of packaging producers and distributors will be governed by their contracts with the administrator.