IT Italien
  • C60A - Etikettierung

a) agricultural products, aquaculture and food identified by the QV mark;

b) foodstuffs using one or more QV products as ingredients;

c) foodstuffs obtained from the processing of an unprocessed QV product.

Draft provisions for the use of references to the ‘Quality Verified’ [Qualitià Verificata:QV] quality system in the labelling, presentation or advertising of agricultural products, aquaculture and food. (and execution of the procedure for the provision of information to the European Commission. Directive (EU) 2015/1535 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 September 2015, Article 5 Regional Law No 12 of 31 May 2001).

Under Decision of the Regional Council No 1097 of 31 July 2018, the Regional Council of Veneto has approved the draft provisions for the use of references to the ‘Quality Verified’ quality system in the labelling, presentation or advertising of agricultural products, aquaculture and food and instructed the Directorate for Agri–food— the competent regional organisation — to notify the European Commission, as provided for in Article 5 of Directive (EU) 2015/1535.

The provisions contained in the draft (Annex A to the Decision) focus on the conditions for the use of references to the QV quality system of Regional Law No 12/2001 in relation to agricultural products, aquaculture and food identified by the QV mark, and on the procedures for requesting authorisation from the Regional Council to use such references in the labelling, presentation or advertising of foodstuffs using one or more QV products as ingredients or are obtained from the processing of an unprocessed QV product.

The text, consisting of 7 chapters, specifies:

1. Subject and scope of application;

2. References to legislation;

3. Definitions;

4. Acronyms and abbreviations;

5. Competent regional organisation;

6. Use of references to the QV quality system [diversified provisions are established for the use of references in relation to the products identified in Chapter 1, letters a), b) and c)];

7. Authorisation for the use of the QV references [the following are defined: the procedures for submitting an authorisation request, conducting an inquiry and adopting the authorisation decree and the obligations of users].