VN Vietnam
  • 86 - Railway or tramway locomotives, rolling-stock and parts thereof; railway or tramway track fixtures and fittings and parts thereof; mechanical (including electro-mechanical) traffic signalling equipment of all kinds

Rail locomotives (excl. those powered from an external source of electricity or by accumulators); locomotive tenders (HS 8602)

QCVN 16:2011/BGTVT - National technical regulation on technical requirements and inspection methods for newly manufactured, assembled and imported Diesel locomotives (61 page(s), in Vietnamese)

This draft technical regulation regulates quality, safety technical requirements and environment protection in inspection; approval of newly manufactured and imported diesel locomotives for using in national railway, dedicated railway connecting with national railway, and dedicated railway non-connecting with national railway but across residential area and urban railway networks. This draft technical regulation applies to all agencies, organizations and individuals involved in inspecting, managing, using railway vehicles. This draft regulation applies to special railway vehicles having similar construction and function with locomotives.

This draft technical regulation shall replace QCVN 16:2011/BGTVT National technical regulation on technical requirements and inspection methods for newly manufactured, assembled and imported Diesel locomotives