UG Uganda
  • 22 - Beverages, spirits and vinegar

Surface water, saline water, domestic and industrial wastes; Mineral waters and aerated waters (HS 220110). Drinking water (ICS 13.060.20)

DUS 2088: 2018, Standard test methods for filterable matter (total dissolved solids) and non-filterable matter (total suspended solids) in water, First Edition. (19 page(s), in English)

This draft Uganda standard specifies test methods for the determination of filterable matter, total dissolved solids (TDS), and nonfilterable matter, total suspended solids (TSS), in drinking, surface, and saline waters, domestic and industrial wastes. The practical range of the determination of nonfilterable particulate matter (TSS) is 4 to 20 000 mg/l.

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