TH Thailand
  • 65 - Agriculture

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) seeds for sowing (ICS Code: 65.020.20)

Draft Conditions for Import of Tomato Seeds for Sowing. Language(s): English. Number of pages: 5

Draft conditions for import of tomato seeds for sowing into the Kingdom of Thailand. Tomato seed lots are required to fulfill at least one of the following phytosanitary import conditions:

1.    Tomato seeds were produced in a pest free area or pest free place of production or pest free production site for Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis, Pepino mosaic virus, Tomato brown rugose fruit virus, Potato spindle tuber viroid, Tomatoapical stunt viroid, Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid, Tomato planta macho viroid and Columnea latent viroid;

2.    Tomato seeds were dry heat treated at 80 oC for 72 hours and were officially tested, on sample of 3,000 seeds (or at least 10 percent of the lot as a small seed lot) using an appropriate genetic method and found free from Tomato brown rugose fruit virus, Potato spindle tuber viroid, Tomato apical stunt viroid, Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid, Tomato planta macho viroid and Columnea latent viroid

3.    Tomato seeds were officially tested on sample of 3,000 seeds (or at least ten percent of the lot as a small seed lot) using an appropriate genetic method and found free from Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis, Pepino mosaic virus, Tomato brown rugose fruit virus, Potato spindle tuber viroid, Tomato apical stunt viroid, Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid, Tomato planta macho viroid and Columnea latent viroid.