TH Thailand
  • 67 - Food technology

Foods (ICS Code: 67.040)

Draft MOPH Notification (No. …), B.E. ….., entitled "Food Standards as regards Pathogens". Language(s): Thai. Number of pages: 14

The Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) proposes to revise the measures for controlling "Pathogens in Food" as follows:

1)    The notification of the Ministry of Public Health (No. 364) (B.E. 2556) entitled "Food Standards as regards Pathogens", dated 25 September 2013, is repealed and replaced by this draft MOPH notification;

2)    Foods listed in Annex 1 of this Notification shall be freed from pathogenic microorganisms excluding pathogenic microorganisms specified in Annex 2;

3)    This draft notification shall not apply to dietary supplements, food additives and other foods which have specific requirements for pathogenic microorganisms shall be exempted; and 

4)    The methods of analysis for concerned pathogens shall be complied with the prescribed methods in Annex 3.