Foods (ICS Code: 67.040)
Draft Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) Notification, No. … B.E. …. (....) issued by virtue of the Food Act B.E. 2522 entitled "Food products Required to bear Nutrition Labelling and Guideline Daily Amounts, GDA Labelling (No. 2)"
The Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) is proposing to revise the MOPH notification concerning "Food products Required to bear Nutrition Labelling and Guideline Daily Amounts, GDA Labelling" as follows:
Clause 1. Clause 5(1) of the notification of the Ministry of Public Health (No. 394) B.E. 2561 (2018) issued by virtue of the Food Act B.E. 2522 entitled "Food products Required to bear Nutrition Labelling and Guideline Daily Amounts, GDA Labelling" shall be repealed and replaced with the following texts: "(1) Nutrition Labelling shall be complied with format and provisions of displaying of nutrition information of attachment No.1 of the Notification of Ministry of Public Health, Re: Nutrition Labelling".
Clause 2. Labelling of food products in Clause 3 of the notification of the Ministry of Public Health (No. 394) B.E. 2561 (2018) issued by virtue of the Food Act B.E. 2522 entitled "Food products Required to bear Nutrition Labelling and Guideline Daily Amounts, GDA Labelling" prior to the date of this notification come into force can still be sold but not more than three years from the date of this notification come into force. After this period, the nutrition labelling shall be displayed according to this notification.
Clause 3. This notification shall come into force after 180 days from its publication in the Government Gazette.
This draft Ministry of Public Health Notification was also notified under the TBT notification as G/TBT/N/THA/15/Rev.2/Add.2.