SV El Salvador
  • 11 - Health care technology


Reglamento Técnico Salvadoreño RTS 11.02.01:16 Productos Farmacéuticos. Medicamentos de Uso Humano. Bioequivalencia e Intercambiabilidad (Salvadorian Technical Regulation (RTS) 11.02.01:16: Pharmaceutical products. Medicines for human use. Bioequivalence and interchangeability)

The content of Salvadorian Technical Regulation (RTS) 11.02.01:16: Pharmaceutical products. Medicines for human use. Bioequivalence and interchangeability has been updated and is now called RTS 11.02.01:22 PRODUCTOS FARMACÉUTICOS. MEDICAMENTOS DE USO HUMANO. BIOEQUIVALENCIA Y BIODISPONIBILIDAD (2° Revisión) (Salvadorian Technical Regulation 11.02.01:22: Pharmaceutical products. Medicines for human use. Bioequivalence and bioavailability (2nd revision)). In light of the above, there will be a period of 60 days for the submission of comments and observations as from the date of notification.