SV El Salvador
  • 65 - Agriculture

ICS number: 65.040.20

Reglamento Técnico Salvadoreño RTS 65.04.01:17 Mataderos. Sacrificio y Faenado de Animales de Abasto. Requisitos Sanitarios (Salvadorian Technical Regulation (RTS) 65.04.01:17: Abattoirs. Slaughter and preparation of animals for the market. Sanitary requirements)

The notified technical regulation establishes the sanitary requirements to be met by abattoirs engaged in the slaughter, preparation and deboning of animals for the market, and the storage and transportation of the resulting products. Abattoirs must meet these requirements in order to obtain start-up and operating authorization. The technical regulation applies to any natural or legal person, owner or operator, whether public, private or semi-public, engaged in the slaughter and preparation of cattle, goats, horses, sheep and other animals for the market that are authorized by the competent national authority.