PH Philippines
  • 75 - Petroleum and related technologies

Fuels in general (ICS code(s): 75.160.01)

Implementing the Philippine National Standard Specification of Biofuels – Coconut Methyl Ester (B100), PNS/DOE QS 002:2021; (3 page(s), in English)

The Department Circular prescribes the adoption of the following guidelines to effectively implement to the PNS for Coconut Methyl Ester:

1.    Only Coconut Methyl Ester conforming to the PNS/DOE QS 002:2021 shall be manufactured, sold, offered for sale, dispensed, or introduced into commerce in the Philippines.

2.    It shall be the responsibility if the Accredited Biodiesel Producer to ensure that all coconut Methyl Ester deliveries are accompanied by a Certificate of Quality to be issued by same, indicating full PNS compliance o the delivered Coconut Methyl Ester