MX Mexico
  • 27 - Energy and heat transfer engineering

Water heaters for domestic and commercial use

PROYECTO de Norma Oficial Mexicana PROY-NOM-003-ENER-2020, Eficiencia térmica de calentadores de agua para uso doméstico y comercial. Límites, métodos de prueba y etiquetado (Draft Mexican Official Standard PROY-NOM-003-ENER-2020: Thermal efficiency of water heaters for domestic and commercial use. Limits, test methods and labelling) (44 pages, in Spanish)

The notified draft Mexican Official Standard establishes the minimum thermal efficiency levels that are to be met by water heaters for domestic and commercial use, and the test methods to be used to verify compliance, and defines the relevant user information labelling requirements, and the conformity assessment procedure for these products.

It applies to liquefied petroleum gas- or natural gas-fired water heaters for domestic and commercial use which supply only hot water in liquid state, and which are imported, manufactured or marketed in the United Mexican States. It does not apply to water heaters with a thermal load greater than 108.0 kW and absolute maximum working pressures of 600 kPa at water temperatures higher than 360.15 K (87.0°C), which are considered as boilers, or to parts, components or spare parts of liquefied petroleum gas- or natural gas-fired water heaters for domestic and commercial use covered by the Standard.