MA Morocco
  • 67 - Food technology

Processed cheese and cheese-based food preparations

Projet d'arrêté conjoint du ministre de l'agriculture, de la pêche maritime, du développement rural et des eaux et forêts et du ministre de la santé et de la protection sociale n°1289-22 du 9 chaoual 1434 (10 mai 2022) fixant la liste des produits microbiologiquement très périssables, leur date limite de consommation et la température de leur conservation (Draft Joint Order of the Minister of Agriculture, Marine Fisheries, Rural Development, Water Resources and Forestry and the Minister of Health and Social Protection No. 1289-22 of 10 May 2022 (9 chaoual 1434) establishing the list of microbiologically highly perishable products, their use-by date and storage temperature)

The notified draft Order repeals the Joint Order of the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development, Water Resources and Forestry, the Minister of Marine Fisheries and the Minister of Health No. 440-01 of 26 February 2001 (2 hija 1421) on shelf life and storage requirements of certain food products.