KR South Korea
  • 67 - Food technology


Proposed amendment of the "Special Act on Imported Food Safety Control". Language(s): Korean. Number of pages: 18

Until now, fishery products are classified and controlled as the Same Imported Product from the Same Company based on the fact that their country of origin, the name of the product and the exporter are the same. With the amendment, the foreign food facility will be added as a requirement to be falling under the Same Imported Product from the Same Company.

The types of business will be specifically classified for the registration of the foreign food facilities of agricultural and fishery products as following:

1.    Type of business for agricultural products:

-         current: packaging agricultural products;

-         amended: farm, farm mixed facility, collection point;

2.    Type of business for fishery products:

-    current: manufacturing/processing fishery products (including vessels and aquaculture);

-    amended: manufacturing/processing fishery products, vessels, aquaculture.