Electrical Appliances and Consumer Products (Repurposed Battery)
Proposed amendments to the "Operation Bulletin of the Electrical Appliances and Consumer Products Safety Control Act" ; (371 page(s), in Korean)
KATS proposes amendments to the Operation Bulletin of the Electrical Appliances and Consumer Products Safety Control Act.
The main modification is as below.
- Establishment of safety inspection agency designation review procedure (Section 2)
- Obligation and form for issuing inspection results after safety inspection for repurposed battery (Article 56-2, 56-3, form 8-2)
- Labeling of products that have passed safety inspection (Article 57~59)
- Apply the safety standards effective on the date of application for safety inspection (Articel 63)
- Designation of electrical appliances subject to safety inspection (Table 3-2)
- Updating the status of safety standards(Annex 25)