IL Israel
  • 97 - Domestic and commercial equipment, Entertainment, Sports
  • 84 - Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof

Household refrigerating appliances; (HS: 8418); (ICS: 97.030)

SI 62552 Part 1 - Household refrigerating appliances – Characteristics and test methods: General requirements (5 pages in Hebrew and 67 in English); SI 62552 Part 2 - Household refrigerating appliances – Characteristics and test methods: Performance requirements (5 pages in Hebrew and 47 in English); SI 62552 Part 3 - Household refrigerating appliances – Characteristics and test methods: Energy consumption and volume (5 pages in Hebrew and 159 in English).

Revision of the Mandatory Standard 62552, dealing with household refrigerating appliances, to be replaced with SI 62552 parts 1, 2, and 3 and therefore divide the previous standard's scope into three aspects.

These draft standard revisions adopt the following International Standards:

·         SI 62552 Part 1 specifies general requirements, adopts the International Standard IEC 62552-1 - Edition 1.0: 2015-02 and includes the following significant technical changes:

o    Changes a few specifications of the test-room equipment and changes the setup for testing to provide additional flexibility especially when testing multiple appliances in a single test-room;

o    Reduces the test packages to one size to simplify loading and reduce test variability;

o    Adds Annex G dealing with wine storage appliances;

o    Replaces the international requirements appearing in section 4 dealing with classification, with national requirements suitable for Israel's climate.

·         SI 62552 Part 2 specifies performance requirements, adopts the International Standard IEC 62552-2 - Edition 1.0: 2015-02 and includes the following significant technical changes:

o    Adds chapter 7 dealing with Cooling capacity;

o    Adds Annex A dealing with Pull-down test;

o    Adds Annex B dealing with wine storage appliances.

·         SI 62552 Part 3 specifies energy consumption and volume requirements, adopts the International Standard IEC 62552-3 - Edition 1.0: 2015-02 and includes the following significant technical changes:

o    Rewrites and expends a few energy consumption aspects;

o    Adds energy efficiency test for different conditions;

o    Adds energy efficiency test for wine storage appliances;

o    Changes the volume measurement o be the total internal volume with only components necessary for the satisfactory operation of the refrigeration system considered as being in place.

o    Deletes the shelf area and storage volume measurement methods.

Both the old standard and this new revised standard will apply from entry into force of this revision until 24 February 2023. During this time products may be tested according to the old or the new revised standards.

All sections and requirements of all revised standards will be mandatory after entry into force.