IL Israel
  • 67 - Food technology
  • 22 - Beverages, spirits and vinegar

Beer; Beer made from malt (HS 2203); Alcoholic beverages (ICS 67.160.10)

SI 407 - Beer, Beer-based beverages, beverages with beer and malt beverages (12 page(s), in Hebrew)

Revision of the Mandatory Standard SI 407, dealing with beer and similar malt beverages. The major differences between the old version and this new revised draft standard are as follow:

·         Replaces all paragraphs detailing the permitted food additives with a reference to Israel's Public Health Regulations (Food) (Food Additives) 2001 (Section 2.1.2);

·         Adds new requirements for a minimal letters' size. These requirements differ from the provisions of SI 1145 dealing with the labelling of pre-packaged food;

·         Deletes the requirements for beer clarity;

·         Deletes the requirements for the declared volume of the product;

·         Changes the category of malt beer to be malt beverage and adds new categories for beverages with beer-based beverages.

This notification revision notifies that the previous text was re-drafted in the following sections:

·         Section 1.3.1 "Wort" - The malt content will remain 65%, as it was in the previous standard's edition;

·         Section 1.3.2 "Beer" - The malt content will remain 65%, as it was in the previous standard's edition

·         Section "Beer without alcohol / alcohol-free beer" - The alcohol content shall not exceed 0.5% (ABV).

Both the old standard and this new revised standard will apply from entry into force of the new standard for a period of 12 months. During this time, products may be tested according to the old or the new revised standard.