CL Chile
  • 31 - Electronics
  • 33 - Telecommunications, Audio and video engineering

Terminal equipment used in mobile networks

Fija norma técnica que regula las especificaciones técnicas que deberá cumplir la estructura de IMEI de los equipos terminales utilizados en las redes móviles (Technical standard regulating the technical specifications to be met by the IMEI structure of terminal equipment used in mobile networks); (3 pages, in Spanish)

n Chile, there are telecommunications regulations on blocking the IMEI of mobile terminal equipment in the event of theft, robbery or loss. However, it has been reported that, in some cases, these IMEIs are subsequently tampered with in order to bypass the block.

To prevent this from happening, this proposal seeks to complement the existing regulations on the matter by establishing the technical characteristics and structure with which the IMEIs of terminal equipment must comply in order to be used in mobile networks, failing which they will not be able to carry traffic in the country.