CL Chile
  • 65 - Agriculture

Livestock production facilities

Modifica Resolución n° 3.138 de 1999, que establece requisito de habilitación para establecimientos de producción pecuaria que deseen exportar animales o sus productos a Chile y Resolución n° 2433 de 2012, que delega atribuciones en autoridades del Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero y deroga resoluciones que indica (Amendment to Resolution No. 3.138 of 1999 establishing an approval requirement for livestock production facilities that wish to export animals or animal products to Chile, and Resolution No. 2433 of 2012 delegating powers to Agriculture and Livestock Service authorities and repealing certain resolutions)

Since approval constitutes the official mechanism for verifying that livestock facilities exporting their products to Chile comply with the sanitary, structural and operational requirements that guarantee that the products do not pose a risk to human and animal health, it is necessary to amend Resolutions No. 3.138 of 1999 and No. 2.433 of 2012.