CL Chile
  • 65 - Agriculture


Proyecto de Ley que tiene por objeto establecer las disposiciones sobre parámetros de calidad, composición, clasificación, envasado, declaración, etiquetado y trazabilidad, aplicables a la fabricación, formulación, producción, comercialización, tenencia, importación y exportación de fertilizantes (Draft Law establishing provisions on the quality, composition, classification, packaging, registration, labelling and traceability parameters applicable to the manufacturing, formulation, production, marketing, possession, importation and exportation of fertilizers) (8 pages, in Spanish)

The notified draft Law establishes provisions on the quality, composition, classification, packaging, registration, labelling and traceability parameters applicable to the manufacturing, formulation, production, marketing, possession, importation and exportation of fertilizers, without prejudice to the other standards applicable. The technical provisions and definitions necessary for the implementation of this draft Law will be established by regulations issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, which will also contain provisions on classification and the requirements to be met by manufacturers, formulators, producers, marketers, packers, holders, importers and exporters of fertilizers.