AU Australia
  • 02 - Meat and edible meat offal

High pressure processed chicken meat

Draft Report on the assessment of the scientific aspects of high pressure processing as an equivalent risk management measure to heat treatments in the Generic import risk analysis for chicken meat: final import risk analysis report (2008).

The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (the department) has released a draft report on its assessment of high pressure processing (HPP) of chicken meat as an alternative risk management measure to the heat treatments in the department's Generic import risk analysis report for chicken meat: final report 2008 (chicken meat IRA).

The draft report has concluded that HPP of chicken meat is not considered to be a suitable alternative risk management measure to the heat treatments in the chicken meat IRA.

Stakeholder submissions are sought regarding the scientific aspects of the assessment.

The department intends to release a final report on HPP of chicken meat following consideration of submissions received in response to the draft report. The draft report can be accessed via

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