GB United Kingdom

Update the current advisory CPT guidance within Technical Booklet R, with proposed definitions of in scope/ relevant types of large buildings commonly used by the public, where a CPT facility should be provided for a new building or where a building is formed by a material change of use. Those defined relevant building types, having been informed by BS 8300-2: 2018 (Clause 18.6), and by CP Consortium guidance/ developed for the UK, while citing both sources as providing specialist guidance on specific aspects of CPT facility layout and equipment.

The 2022 amendment of Technical Booklet Guidance to Part R (Access to and use of buildings) – Changing Places Toilet (CPT) Provision. One of a suite of Technical Booklets in support of 'The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012 (as amended)'.

The 2022 amendment of Technical Booklet Guidance to Part R (Access to and use of buildings) will;

1- update the statutory guidance in Technical Booklet R on “Sanitary accommodation and associated sanitary facilities in buildings other than dwellings” (Section 6), updating the current accessible and usable performance criteria for accessible sanitary provision standards to include relevant criteria for where a CPT facility should be provided in certain buildings;
2- propose definitions of in scope/ relevant types of large buildings commonly used by the public, where a CPT facility should be provided for a new building or where a building is formed by a material change of use. Those defined relevant building types, having been informed by BS 8300-2: 2018 (Clause 18.6), and by CP Consortium guidance/ developed for the UK;
3- set proposed criteria (the building function, its people capacity or gross floor area) for the defined in scope/relevant buildings as above. Those relevant building types/ functions having been identified in BS 8300-2: 2018 (Clause 18.6), with criteria informed by current CPT research/ development/ guidance, supported by other UK jurisdictions;
4- Identify within the statutory guidance above, further specialist guidance sources on specific aspects of CPT facility layout and equipment, available from;
- the Changing Places consortium campaign website;
- BS 8300-2:2018 Clause 18.6 guidance, diagram 48 as well as Annexes F and G.