NL Netherlands

The catalogues appearing in the annexes to the Key Registry of the Subsurface Order [Regeling basisregistratie ondergrond] specify the data to be submitted on certain registration objects in order to enter soil data in the Key Registry of the Subsurface.

This amending Order updates the five catalogues based on new findings, technological advances and system changes.

Order of the Minister for Housing and Spatial Planning amending the Key Registry of the Subsurface Order to update the five catalogues and cancel the appointment of the ICTU Foundation as the manager of the Source Holder Portal

This draft Order contains rules implementing the Key Registry of the Subsurface Act [Wet basisregistratie ondergrond] and the Key Registry of the Subsurface Decree [Besluit basisregistratie ondergrond]. The Key Registry of the Subsurface Act provides for the creation of a Key Registry of the Subsurface, consisting of a digital map with detailed information on the soil of the Netherlands. This Key Registry of the Subsurface Act requires the indicated source data owners to submit certain soil data (for certain ‘registration objects’) to the basic register. This amendment to the Key Registry of the Subsurface Order updates the following five catalogues:
• Cone penetration test (CPT), included in Annex II to the Order;
• Borehole research - soil core sample description and analysis (BHR-P), included in Annex III to the Order;
• Borehole research - geological core sample description and analysis (BHR-G), included in Annex IV to the Order;
• Borehole research - geological core sample description and analysis (BHR-GT), included in Annex V to the Order;
• Soil face research - soil face description and face sample analysis (SFR), included in Annex VI to the Order.

groundwater use system, groundwater production system, mining structure and Mining Act licence and an amendment to the catalogue for the registration objects: bore hole radar - geological core sample description and analysis.

This draft Order establishes the data catalogue that describes how to submit the information. The five annexes to the draft Order set out new rules on the creation of the Key Registry of the Subsurface, which may contain technical regulations. These cover creation of the data catalogue for the data to be entered in the Key Registry of the Subsurface (Article 11 and corresponding annexes to the Key Registry of the Subsurface Order).

Article 15 of the Key Registry of the Subsurface Order contains a mutual recognition clause.