CZ Czech Republic
  • I10 - Metrology

current measuring transformers

Draft General Measure

number: 0111-OOP-C088-18,

laying down metrological and technical requirements for legally controlled measuring instruments, including testing methods for verification of the following legally controlled measuring instruments:

‘current measuring transformers’

Current measuring transformers may be placed on the market and put into use in the Czech Republic as legally controlled measuring instruments pursuant to Act No 505/1990 on metrology, as amended. Pursuant to the Act, legally controlled measuring instruments are instruments that are included in the list of the types of legally controlled measuring instruments (Implementing Decree No 345/2002) and, at the same time, intended (by the manufacturer/importer) for measurements of relevance to the protection of public interests in areas of consumer protection, contractual relations, imposition of sanctions, fees, tariffs and taxes, health protection, environmental protection, occupational safety, or the protection of other public interests protected by special legislation. This means that their purpose is similar to that used for defining the legally controlled products – measuring instruments and non-automatic weighing instruments – under Directives 2014/31/EU and 2014/32/EU. The requirements of this legislation do not apply to measuring instruments not placed on the market in the Czech Republic for the above purposes, defined by Act No 505/1990 on metrology.

The purpose of this notified legislation is to lay down metrological and technical requirements for legally controlled measuring instruments of the type specified above. This legislation also lays down the tests for the purposes of type approval and verification of legally controlled measuring instruments of the type specified above.


measuring instrument, current measuring transformers, measurement of electric currents