HU Hungary

- tobacco products,

– electronic cigarette, refill container,

– electronic smoking imitation device,

- nicotine-free refill container,

- tobacco-free products imitating tobacco products

Amendment to Act XLII of 1999 on the protection of non-smokers and
certain regulations on the consumption and distribution of tobacco
products (hereinafter: Nvt)

Amendment to Act CXXXIV of 2012 on reducing under-age smoking and the retail trade of tobacco products

In Hungary, smoking is a serious issue in terms of public health and the national economy. Since 2010, the Government has introduced a number of measures aiming to reduce smoking, maintaining and furthering the results of which requires the introduction of more efficient smoking prevention and support on a larger scale for people who quit smoking along with further policy tools.

Within the area of reducing smoking, priority must be given to preventing young people becoming addicted to smoking and using electronic cigarettes. When regulating the use of electronic cigarettes, it must also be considered that the proportion of young users who have never tried tobacco products is significant, therefore, nicotine addiction can develop without traditional tobacco products and the sight of the aerosol exhaled during its use can contribute to the re-normalisation of smoking.

The aim of amending Act XLII of 1999 on the protection of non-smokers and certain regulations on the consumption and distribution of tobacco products [A nemdohányzók védelméről és a dohánytermékek fogyasztásának, forgalmazásának egyes szabályairól szóló 1999. évi XLII. törvény] (hereinafter Nvt) is to regulate products imitating tobacco products and nicotine-free refill containers and product packages,thereby contributing to the protection of the health of children and young people.

A further aim of the proposed amendments is to offer a solution to practical needs that may arise during the course of applying the law and to rectify the deficiencies found.

The aim of amending Act CXXXIV of 2012 on reducing under-age smoking and the retail trade of tobacco products is to supplement, as necessary and for the purposes of harmonisation, the current regulation in light of the amendment of the Nvt in order to maintain and further the results achieved in the area of reducing smoking.