US Etats-Unis d'Amérique

Motor vehicles. Roadvehicle systems (ICS 43.040)

Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards: Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Communications (9 pages, in English)

This document initiates rulemaking that would propose to createa new Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS), FMVSS No. 150, to require vehicleto-vehicle (V2V) communication capability for light vehicles (passenger cars and light truckvehicles (LTVs)) and to create minimum performance requirements for V2V devices andmessages. The agency believes that requiring V2V communication capability in new lightvehicles would facilitate the development and introduction of a number of advanced vehiclesafety applications. Some crash warning V2V applications, like Intersection MovementAssist (IMA) and Left Turn Assist (LTA), rely on V2V-based messages to obtain informationto detect and then warn drivers of possible safety risks in situations where othertechnologies have less capability. Both of those applications address intersection crashes,which are among the most deadly crashes that U.S. drivers currently face. NHTSA believesthat V2V capability will not develop absent regulation, because there would not be anyimmediate safety benefits for consumers who are early adopters of V2V. V2V begins toprovide safety benefits only if a significant number of vehicles in the fleet are equippedwith it and if there is a means to ensure secure and reliable communication betweenvehicles. NHTSA believes that no single manufacturer would have the incentive to buildvehicles able to "talk" to other vehicles, if there are no other vehicles to talk to--leading tolikely market failure without the creation of a mandate to induce collective action.Through this ANPRM, and through the accompanying technical report, "Vehicle-to-VehicleCommunications: Readiness of V2V Technology for Application," NHTSA presents theresults of its initial research efforts. In this report, NHTSA has done a very preliminaryestimate of the costs of V2V and the benefits for two V2V-based safety applications, IMAand LTA, for addressing intersection crashes and left-turning crashes, respectively. Thereport also explores technical, legal, security, and privacy issues related to the implementation of V2V. NHTSA seeks comment on the research report, and solicitsadditional information, data, and analysis that will aid the agency in developing aneffective proposal to require new light vehicles to be V2V-capable. By mandating V2Vtechnology in all new vehicles, but not requiring specific safety applications, it is NHTSA'sbelief that such capability will in turn facilitate market-driven development andintroduction of a variety of safety applications, as well as mobility and environment-relatedapplications that can potentially save drivers both time and fuel.

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