SV Salvador
  • 29 - Électrotechnique

Reglamento Técnico Salvadoreño RTS 29.01.01:15, Eficiencia energética. Motores de corriente alterna, trifásicos, de inducción, tipo jaula de ardilla, en potencia nominal de 0,746 a 373 kW. Límites, método de prueba y etiquetado 

(Salvadorian Technical Regulation (RTS) 29.01.01:15: Energy efficiency. Three-phase squirrel-cage AC induction motors with a rated output of 0.746 to 373 kW. Limits, test method and labelling) (49 pages, in Spanish)

The notified text establishes rated efficiency values and associated minimum efficiency ratings, the test method for assessing these values and ratings, approval criteria, and specifications concerning the minimum amount of information that is to appear on the plates of open- and closed-loop three-phase squirrel-cage electric AC induction motors with a rated output of 0.746 kW to 373 kW.