SV Salvador
  • 23 - Fluidique et composants à usage général

International Classification for Standards (ICS) code 23.120

Reglamento Técnico Salvadoreño RTS 23.01.03:15, Eficiencia energética. Acondicionadores de aire tipo dividido, descarga libre y sin conductos de aire. Límites, método de prueba y etiquetado 

(Salvadorian Technical Regulation (RTS) No. 23.01.03:15: Energy efficiency. Split-type, free-flow, ductless air-conditioners. Limits, test methods and labelling) (44 pages, in Spanish)

The notified Salvadorian Technical Regulation establishes the minimum seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) for split-type, free-flow, ductless air-conditioners (known as mini-split and multi-split air-conditioners), whether single-cycle (cooling only) or reverse-cycle (heat pump), with air-cooled condensers. It also specifies the test methods for verifying compliance with this ratio and the information to be included on the label.

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