SA Arabie Saoudite
  • 01 - Animaux vivants
  • 02 - Viandes et abats comestibles
  • 04 - Lait et produits de la laiterie; oeufs d'oiseaux; miel naturel; produits comestibles d'origine animale, non dénommés ni compris ailleurs
Live birds, hatching eggs and one-day old chicks

Notice of Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, Decision No. 120315 dated 29 December 2016 (30/03/1438H) entitled "Temporary Ban of importation of Live Bird, Hatching Egg and One day Old Chick" originated from Germany.

Following the OIE report, ref. No. 51, Vol. 29 dated 20 December 2016, which indicates that a High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) outbreak has reoccurred in Germany, it is deemed necessary for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to prevent the entry of HPAI disease into the country. Therefore, the import of live birds, hatching eggs and one-day old chicks from Germany to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is temporarily suspended.

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