MX Mexique
  • 13 - Environnement, Protection de la santé, Sécurité

Turtle excluder device

Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-061-SAG-PESC/SEMARNAT-2016, Especificaciones técnicas de los excluidores de tortugas marinas utilizados por la flota de arrastre camaronera en aguas de jurisdicción federal de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos 

(Mexican Official Standard NOM-061-SAG-PESC/SEMARNAT-2016: Technical specifications for turtle excluder devices used by the shrimp trawling fleet in waters under the federal jurisdiction of the United Mexican States) (11 pages, in Spanish)

The Federal Government has established a set of regulations and technical processes to protect, conserve and foster the recovery of populations of various species of sea turtles and their nesting areas. The regulations and processes seek to ensure that fishing activities have as little impact as possible on these populations.