MX Mexique
  • 13 - Environnement, Protection de la santé, Sécurité
  • 65 - Agriculture

Genetically modified organisms

Proyecto de Norma Oficial Mexicana PROY-NOM-000-SAGARPA/SEMARNAT-2015, Por la que se establecen las características y requisitos que deberán contener los estudios de evaluación de los posibles riesgos que la liberación experimental de organismos genéticamente modificados pudieran ocasionar al medio ambiente y a la diversidad biológica, así como a la sanidad animal, vegetal y acuícola (Draft Mexican Official Standard PROY-NOM-000-SAGARPA/SEMARNAT-2015 establishing the characteristics and requirements to be met by studies assessing the risks to the environment and biodiversity, and to animal, plant and aquatic health, that may be caused by the experimental release of genetically modified organisms)

The National Development Plan 2013-2018 seeks to maximize Mexico's potential through five national goals. One of these, "México Próspero", aims to promote the growth of productivity in a climate of economic stability by creating equal opportunities, ensuring adequate infrastructure, and establishing favourable conditions for economic development through regulations that foster healthy competition and a strategy to deregulate, reorientate and simplify the regulatory framework for the agri-food sector. Another objective of the National Development Plan 2013-2018 is to boost and guide inclusive and facilitation-oriented green growth, which preserves our natural heritage while generating wealth, competitiveness and employment. This will be implemented through comprehensive sustainable development policies and by updating and aligning environmental legislation so as to effectively regulate actions that contribute to the preservation and restoration of the environment and natural resources.

One of the aims of the Law on Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms (LBOGM) is to regulate the experimental release of genetically modified organisms into the environment, with a view to preventing, avoiding or reducing the risks to the environment and biodiversity, and to animal, plant and aquatic health, that this activity may cause.

To meet its objective, the LBOGM seeks to establish the basic content of Mexican Official Standards on biosafety, in accordance with Article 2:XII. This requires compliance with the commitments set forth in international treaties and agreements to which the United Mexican States is party, in such a way that the content and scope of the Standards concerned are consistent with these treaties and agreements, in accordance with Article 9:VI of the LBOGM.

In the context of this Standard, risk assessment is understood to mean the process that is to be carried out by the parties concerned, whereby they analyse on a case-by-case basis, using scientifically and technically based studies in accordance with Articles 60 and 64 of the LBOGM, the risks to or effects on the environment and biodiversity, and animal, plant and aquatic health, that may be caused by the release of genetically modified organisms at the experimental stage.