KZ Kazakstan
  • 01 - Animaux vivants
  • 02 - Viandes et abats comestibles
  • 05 - Autres produits d'origine animale, non dénommés ni compris ailleurs
  • 23 - Résidus et déchets des industries alimentaires; aliments préparés pour animaux

Livestock, beef, pork, lamb, heat-treated ready to eat
food, non-food raw materials and commodity, used equipment for animal husbandry,
slaughter and processing, feed and feed additives of animal and plant origin

Letter of the Committee of Veterinary Control and
Surveillance No. 15-1-18/1814-И of 24 October 2016

The measure represents a temporary restriction on the
following imported products from the Russian Federation to the territory of Kazakhstan:
livestock, beef, pork, lamb, heat-treated ready to eat food, non-food raw materials and
commodity, used equipment for animal husbandry, slaughter and processing, feed and
feed additives of animal and plant origin.

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