FR France
  • 29 - Électrotechnique
  • 97 - Équipement ménager et commercial, Loisirs, Sports

Tanning devices (tanning booths/sunbeds)

Projet de décret relatif aux conditions de mise à disposition des appareils de bronzage au public et modifiant le décret n° 2013-1261 du 27 décembre 2013 relatif à la vente et à la mise à disposition du public de certains appareils utilisant des rayonnements ultraviolets (Draft Decree on the public use of tanning devices, which amends Decree No. 2013-1261 of 27 December 2013 on the sale and public use of certain tanning devices using artificial ultraviolet radiation) (8 pages, in French)

The notified draft Decree, pursuant to Article 21 of Law 2016-41 of 26 January 2016 on the modernization of the health system, amends the provisions of Decree No. 2013-1261 of 27 December 2013, which was also the subject of a TBT notification on 7 March 2013.

With a view to ensuring the protection and safety of the public, this draft Decree sets out several provisions on technical standards:

-  Section II (which amends Article 2 of Decree No. 2013-1261) prohibits the sale of UV3 devices to the public (the sale of UV1 devices has been prohibited since 1997);

-  Section X (which amends Article 12 of Decree No. 2013-1261) establishes that a written document must be included with the instruction manual for devices in order to remind professionals of the health risks associated with exposure to artificial ultraviolet radiation;

-  Section XI (amending Article 13 of Decree 2013-1261) establishes that oral and written information must be provided prior to use of devices (since 2013, warning messages have been compulsory in public reception areas, next to each device, and on advertisement material);

-  Section XV (amending Article 17 of Decree No. 2013-1261) establishes that technical inspections must be carried out when UV emitters are changed, to check the levels of radiation emitted.