CA Canada
  • 65 - Agriculture
  • 67 - Technologie alimentaire

Pesticide formetanate hydrochloride in or on various commodities (ICS Codes: 65.020, 65.100, 67.040, 67.080)

Proposed Maximum Residue Limit: Formetanate hydrochloride (PMRL2016-68).

The objective of the notified document PMRL2016-68 is to consult on the
listed maximum residue limits (MRLs) for formetanate hydrochloride that
have been proposed by the Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory
Agency (PMRA) .

MRL (ppm)1  Raw Agricultural Commodity (RAC) and/or Processed Commodity2,3

0.9  Orange

0.4  Grapefruit

0.09  Lemon

0.03  Lime, tangelo, tangerine

0.02  Nectarine

1 ppm = parts per million

2 It is proposed that the MRL of 4 ppm currently established for "citrus fruits" be replaced by commodity specific MRLs. MRLs are not being established for all imported commodities in crop group 10 since the use in the United States is limited to oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, tangelos and tangerines.

3 It is proposed that the MRL of 3 ppm currently established for nectarines be revised to 0.02 ppm.

As the registrant has also cancelled uses on apples, peaches and pears in Canada (2012), and the use on plums is no longer permitted in the exporting country, the existing MRLs of 3 ppm for apples, peaches and pears, and 0.5 ppm for plums are proposed for revocation. Following the revocation of these MRLs, these crops will be regulated under subsection B.15.002(1) of the Food and Drugs Regulations, which requires that residues not exceed the General MRL (GMRL) of 0.1 ppm. The PMRA does not anticipate any trade implications given that there are also no Codex MRLs for formetanate hydrochloride.