BR Brésil
Pesticides, components, wood preservers
Draft Resolution no. 262, 10 October 2016, regarding criteria for toxicological classification of pesticides, components, wood preservers and others, for comparison of pesticides toxic action
Draft Technical Resolution no. 262, 10 October 2016,regarding criteria for toxicological classification of pesticides, components, woodpreservers and others, for comparison of pesticides toxic action.This Draft Resolution approves the Technical Regulation which establishes the criteria fortoxicological classification of pesticides, components, wood preservers and others, forcomparison of pesticides toxic action.This Draft Resolution revokes the Guidelines and Exigencies of the Ministry of Health,regarding Register Authorization and Extension of Pesticides Use (DIRETRIZES EEXIGÊNCIAS DO MINISTÉRIO DA SAÚDE, REFERENTES À AUTORIZAÇÃO DE REGISTROE EXTENSÃO DE USO DE AGROTÓXICOS E AFINS) approved by the Human Ecology andEnvironmental Health and Risk Assessment Divisions as Guidelines and Exigencies of theMinistry of Health, regarding Register Authorization and Extension of Pesticides Use(DIRETRIZES E EXIGÊNCIAS DO MINISTÉRIO DA SAÚDE, REFERENTES À AUTORIZAÇÃODE REGISTRO E EXTENSÃO DE USO DE AGROTÓXICOS E AFINS) - no. 01,9 December 1991, published on Brazilian Official Journal, 13 December 1991 andEndorsed by the Ordinance no. 03, 16 January 1992, from the Technical-NormativeDepartment of the Sanitary Surveillance Secretariat of the Ministry of Health.
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