IS Islande
  • S10E - Emballages

Tobacco and trade with suppliers

Rules on Selection and Sale of Tobacco and Trade Terms with Suppliers.

(Icelandic: reglur um vöruval og sölu tóbaks og skilmálar í viðskiptum við birgja).

The Rules are in conformity with ÁTVR's policy concerning social
responsibility that aims at reducing the consumption of tobacco through
responsible handling of products and management of the products on the
market. The Rules define the sales categories of tobacco and the
contracts needed for the selling og tobacco. The Rules also cover the
the general rules for the labelling and packaging of tobacco. They also
define and cover the contracts needed for the selling of tobacco, allong
with product/price changes and the liability of those products.

Keywords: Tobacco, handling of products, selling, labelling and packaging.