HR Croatie
Moisture meters measuring the moisture content for cereal grain and oilseeds
Draft Proposal of the Ordinance on the Metrological and Technical Requirements referring to Moisture Meters measuring the Moisture Content for Cereal Grain and Oilseeds
The Draft Proposal of the Ordinance on the Metrological and Technical Requirements referring to Moisture Meters measuring the Moisture Content for Cereal Grain and Oilseeds lays down the metrological and technical requirements of moisture meters measuring the moisture content for cereal grain and oilseeds, the procedure for assessing the conformity of the measuring instrument with the type approval for measuring instruments, the verification procedure and the method of designation of measuring instruments.The provisions of the Ordinance shall apply to:1. moisture meters for static samples;2. automatic moisture meters with a digital display directly showing the moisture content;3. moisture meters calculating the moisture content in indirect physical ways (e.g. electric or optical sensors) which are used in trading activities where the price of goods is based on measuring the moisture content in cereal grain and oilseeds.Please note that the special conditions contained in the Annex to the Draft Proposal of the Ordinance are consistent with the following relevant recommendation of the International Organization of Legal Metrology: OIML R 59: 1989.
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