HU Hongrie
Following a risk assessment of 13 new psychoactive substances susceptible to abuse and listed in the Schedule of New Psychoactive Substances in Annex 1 to Minister for Human Capacities Decree No 55/2014 of 30 December 2014 on new psychoactive substances and compounds (hereinafter referred to as the 'Decree'), the National Addictology Centre [Országos Addiktológiai Centruma - OAC] of the National Institute for Health Development has recommended their inclusion in Schedule A in Annex 2 to the Act, which ensures stricter control measures.
Amendment of Act XCV of 2005 on medicinal products for human use and on the amendment of other laws regulating the pharmaceutical market (the 'Act')
The OAC risk assessment found that the 13 substances pose a public health threat that is similar to drugs or psychotropic substances. These substances must therefore be included in Schedule A of psychotropic substances in Annex 2 to the Act, and should no longer be classified as new psychoactive substances. In this way, harsher punishments can be given for unauthorised distribution. In view of this, health risks will be reduced, as it will be made more difficult for substance abusers to gain access to these harmful substances.
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