FI Finlande
Psychoactive substances
Government Decree amending the Decree on psychoactive substances banned from the consumer market. Finland intends to classify 49 new substances and 36 positional isomers of the above-mentioned substances (in total, 85 substances) as banned psychoactive substances.
Finland intends to classify the substances in the enclosed annex as psychoactive substances banned from the consumer market; as a result, these substances cannot be manufactured, imported, stored, sold or transferred. An exemption is their use for scientific research and industrial purposes. The possession and use of these substances will not be punishable.Added to the Government Decree will be a total of 85 substances that are considered important to place under control as psychoactive substances banned from the consumer market. 49 of these substances have reportedly appeared on European consumer markets, primarily for no other real use but mind-altering purposes, that is, for intoxication. The remaining 36 substances are positional isomers of one or other of the above-mentioned substances, which could be detrimental or dangerous to health when used for intoxication purposes. These 85 substances are neither medicines nor narcotics, and there is no known industrial use for them.
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