NZ New Zealand
  • 65 - Agriculture

Plants for planting, including whole plants, cuttings, bulbs and tissue cultures (plants in vitro)

Importation of Nursery Stock (155.02.06) - Proposed measures to manage phytoplasmas on nursery stock. Language(s): English. Number of pages: 371

The New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries is proposing the following changes to the Importation of Nursery Stock import health standard:

·        Addition of phytosanitary measures for the management of phytoplasmas on 43 new ornamental plant hosts. Measures include options for off-shore and on-shore management, and have been identified using a new approach that considers history of trade for all hosts.;

·        Amendment of the measures for phytoplasmas on Rosa by providing the same off-shore and on-shore options;

·        Removal of measures for phytoplasmas on Acrocomia, Hippeastrum and Zantedeschia. Further details are provided in the attached risk management proposal.