MX Mexico
  • 13 - Environment and health protection, Safety

Fire-fighting equipment - Portable and mobile fire extinguishers

Proyecto de Norma Oficial Mexicana PROY-NOM-154-SCFI-2017, Equipos contra incendio-Extintores portátiles y móviles-Servicio de mantenimiento y recarga (Draft Mexican Standard Official PROY-NOM-154-SCFI-2017, Fire-fighting equipment - Portable and mobile fire extinguishers - Maintenance and recharging service), (cancels Mexican Official Standard NOM-154-SCFI-2005), (31 pages, in Spanish)

The notified draft Mexican Official Standard applies to natural and legal persons providing services for the maintenance and recharging of non-motorized portable and mobile fire extinguishers on wheels, which are of domestic or foreign manufacture and marketed in the United Mexican States. It does not apply to permanently installed systems for fire-fighting purposes, even if certain parts of such systems are portable (for example, hoses and nozzles connected to a fixed supply of extinguishing agents).