BD Bangladesh
  • 67 - Food technology

Food product's advertisement and claims

Draft Food Safety (Advertisement and claims) Regulations, 2024. Language(s): English. Number of pages: 19

The draft Food Safety (Advertisement and claims) Regulations, 2024 refer to a set of rules to ensure that advertising and claims about food products are accurate, truthful, and not misleading to consumers. These regulations aim to protect public health by preventing false or deceptive marketing practices related to food products. The advertisement and claims regulations generally include the following key components: (1) condition in respect of advertisements, (2) condition for publication of food claim, (3) condition for nutritional claims (4) claim of non-addition sugar, additives, (5) health claims, etc. Overall, these regulations serve to promote transparency and accountability in the food industry, helping consumers makes informed choices about the foods they purchase and consume.