PL Poland

Solid fuels, system for monitoring and controlling fuel quality

Act amending the Act on the system for monitoring and controlling fuel quality and the National Treasury Administration Act

The principal changes introduced by the amendment to the act are as follows:

It specifies the fuel combustion plants at which solid fuel covered by the act is used. The act will apply to solid fuels consumed in households and combustion plants with a rated thermal input of less than 1 MW.

It lays down the rules for controlling the quality of solid fuels placed on the market which are intended for municipal and domestic use.

It amends and extends the solid fuel catalogue. The sale for municipal and domestic use of coal sludge, floto-concentrates, lignite, mixtures thereof and fuel produced by mixing any other fuels containing less than 85 % hard coal will be prohibited by law.

It introduces fuel quality certificates to provide buyers with accurate and comprehensive information regarding products.

Solid fuels purchased by individual consumers will be controlled at fuel storage sites and at cross-border checkpoints.

A temporary derogation from the solid fuel quality standards will be permitted and can be implemented during periods when there is an insufficient supply of fuel on the market due to emergencies.

Purchases of solid fuel which do not comply with the quality requirements of the Act will be permitted for operators of combustion plants with an input of no less than 1 MW upon presentation of a plant operation certificate, and for intermediaries intending to re-distribute the fuel (to plants with an input of more than 1 MW) upon presentation of documents which provide proof of solid fuel sale activities.