FR France
  • I20 - Pressure equipment, gas appliances and boilers

- Simple pressure vessels covered by Directive 2014/29/EU on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of simple pressure vessels

- Pressure equipment covered by Directive 2014/68/EU on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of pressure equipment

Ministerial Order on pressure equipment and simple pressure vessels

Article R557-14-6 of the Environmental Code provides that an order should be issued implementing the provisions of the above-mentioned decree. The purpose of this implementing order is to establish the details of the applicable compulsory in-service inspection operations, according to the categories of equipment and according to the operator's decision whether to apply the standard fixed inspection method or to establish an inspection plan to adapt the inspection operations to suit the equipment's actual installation and operation conditions. It is intended to repeal the Ministerial Order of 15 March 2000, as amended, as well as 30 other ministerial orders.

The body of the draft order refers to annexes for the technical aspects. In particular, these include references to the applicable professional technical specifications and guidelines, as well as applicable decisions and circulars. The Hazardous equipment and network safety bureau [Bureau de la sécurité des équipements à risque et des réseaux - BSERR] wanted to simplify this documentary burden, especially in the case of Annex 3, retaining only those documents essential to the various stakeholders, whether manufacturers or inspection bodies.

Article 7 of Decree No 2016-1925 of 28 December 2016 on the in-service monitoring of pressure vessels sets the date of entry into force provided for under this decree no later than January 2018. Article 37 of this draft order sets the date of entry into force as 1 January 2018.