IT Italy

Agricultural products and foodstuffs with a high assured quality standard

Draft regulations for use of the Guaranteed Quality Collective Mark backed by the Sicilian Region

The draft regulations being notified in accordance with Directive (EU) 2015/1535 by the relevant office of the Regional Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Mediterranean Fishing under mandate from the Sicilian Regional Government, regulate the granting of licences for and the use of the Collective Mark ‘QS (acronym of ‘qualità sicura’ [guaranteed quality]) backed by the Sicilian Region’.

The draft comprises 16 articles detailing the following:

- The Mark's purpose and identity;

- Conditions for accessing and using the Mark;

- Ownership of the Mark by the Sicilian Region;

- In accordance with Directive (EU) 2015/1535, the preparation and notification of draft ‘Guidelines’ detailing the criteria for identifying the industries with an interest in this quality assurance scheme, and the fundamental principles on which the relevant production rules should be based;

- In accordance with Directive (EU) 2015/1535, the preparation and notification of draft production rules that operators wishing to use the Mark will be required to comply with;

- Checks conducted to ensure the quality of products bearing the Mark;

- Establishment of a Mark Registry;

- Rules for requesting a licence to use the Mark;

- Term and cost-free granting of a licence to use the Mark;

- Rights and duties of licensees;

- Office in charge of the Mark;

- Labelling of products for which a licence to use the Mark is granted;

- Misuse of the Mark and applicable penalties;

- Termination of the licence;

- Advertising and promotional activities by the Region;

- Reference is made to Directive (EU) 2015/1535 in accordance with Article 9 thereof.