MX Mexiko
  • 84 - Kernreaktoren, Kessel, Maschinen, Apparate und mechanische Geräte; Teile dieser Maschinen oder Apparate
Water heaters (HS tariff subheading 8419.11)

PROY-NOM-200-SCFI-2015, "Calentadores de agua de uso doméstico y comercial que utilizan como combustible gas L.P. o gas natural - Requisitos de seguridad, especificaciones, métodos de prueba, marcado e información comercial" (cancelará a la NOM-011-SESH-2012, Calentadores de agua de uso doméstico y comercial que utilizan como combustible gas L.P. o gas natural – Requisitos de seguridad, especificaciones, métodos de prueba, marcado e información comercial) 

(Draft Mexican Official Standard PROY-NOM-200-SCFI-2015, "Water heaters for domestic and commercial use fired by liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas - Safety requirements, specifications, test methods, marking, and commercial information" (cancelling Mexican Official Standard NOM-011-SESH-2012, "Water heaters for domestic and commercial use fired by liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas - Safety requirements, specifications, test methods, marking, and commercial information")) (31 pages, in Spanish)

The notified draft Mexican Official Standard establishes the minimum safety requirements, specifications, test methods, and marking and commercial information requirements for water heaters imported into or marketed within the territory of the United Mexican States that are fired by liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas, have a thermal load not exceeding 108 kW and supply hot water in a liquid state.