CL Chile
  • 67 - Lebensmitteltechnologie

Commercially prepared baby food

Propuesta de Actualización de Título XXVIII de los Alimentos para Regímenes Especiales, Reglamento Sanitario de los Alimentos, Decreto Supremo 977/96 Ministerio de Salud Artículo 504 (Proposed update to Section XXVIII - Foods for special dietary uses, Food Health Regulations, Article 504 of Ministry of Health Supreme Decree No. 977/96)

The proposed amendment will be made to Section XXVIII "Foods for special dietary uses"

Paragraph III - Commercially prepared baby food

Current text: Article 504 - The maximum nitrate content in this type of food shall not exceed 250 mg/kg expressed as nitrates.

New text proposed: Article 504 - The product shall be prepared with particular care, through the application of good manufacturing practices, in order to completely eliminate pesticide residues that may have been used for the production, storage or preparation of raw materials or food ingredients. If complete elimination is technically unachievable, the level of such residues should be reduced as much as possible.

The product shall not contain residues of hormones or antibiotics identified using agreed methods of analysis, and shall be virtually free from other contaminants, particularly pharmacologically active substances.