FR Frankreich

Specifications for the geographical indication ‘Siège de Liffol’, covering the name and the statutes of the Defence and Management Organisation, the demarcation of the geographical area and the inspection and labelling procedures

The aim of this draft is to amend the approved specifications for the geographical indication relating to Liffol chairs. The requested amendments cover:

- the name of the Defence and Management Organisation, which becomes PLAB Grand Est, instead of PLAB, in accordance with the new regional cartography;

- the statutes of the Defence and Management Organisation, which from now on provide for the possibility of it being the defence and management organisation for other geographical indications;

- the demarcation of the geographical area, with the withdrawal of eight communes in Haute-Marne, replaced by eight communes in Vosges and the replacement of one commune with another in Haute-Marne;

- the inspection procedures: the application of a microchip identifying products benefitting from the geographical indication has been deleted, because the device initially envisaged is not operational,

- the labelling procedures: application of the official logo for geographical indications involves applying the name and approval number of the geographical indication.

The specifications had been previously notified to the Commission under Notification No 2016/254/F.