UY Uruguay
  • 03 - Services, Organisation de l'entreprise, Gestion et qualité, Administration, Transport, Sociologie
  • 13 - Environnement, Protection de la santé, Sécurité

Pre-measured or pre-packaged products with equal nominal content, expressed in units of length or number of units

Proyecto de Reglamento Técnico MERCOSUR sobre el Control Metrológico de Productos Premedidos o Preenvasados Comercializados en Unidades de Longitud o Número de Unidades de Contenido Nominal Igual (Derogación de la Resolución GMC N° 17/10) (Draft MERCOSUR Technical Regulation on metrological control of pre-measured or pre-packaged products marketed in units of length or number of units of equal nominal content (Repeal of GMC Resolution No. 17/10)) (19 pages, in Spanish)

The notified draft Technical Regulation establishes the metrological requirements and the sampling plans for the verification of the content of pre-measured or pre-packaged products with equal nominal content, expressed in units of length or number of units. The metrological control system seeks to facilitate trade among MERCOSUR States Parties, eliminate technical barriers to the free circulation of pre-measured or pre-packaged products and protect consumers. The Resolution will apply in the territory of the States Parties, to trade among them and to imports from outside the MERCOSUR area.