UY Uruguay
  • 67 - Technologie alimentaire

All wine products (ICS: 67.160.10)

Análisis de Productos Importados - Resolución del Directorio de INAVI de fecha 14 de febrero de 2019 (Analysis of Imported Products - Resolution of the Board of the National Grape-Growing and Wine Production Institute (INAVI) of 14 February 2019) (3 pages, in Spanish) - Resolución del Directorio de INAVI por la que se prorroga la aplicación al 1 de mayo de 2019 (Resolution of the Board of INAVI postponing implementation until 1 May 2019) (1 page, in Spanish)

Implementation of the requirement that, as part of the import procedure, a certificate be submitted for all wine products attesting that the shipment contains no percentage of exogenous water.