Non-alcoholic beverages (excl. water, fruit or vegetable juices, milk and beer) (HS code(s): 220299); Beverages (ICS code(s): 67.160)
DEAS 29:2023 Carbonated and non-carbonated soft drinks — Specification ; (17 page(s), in English)
This draft East African Standard specifies the requirements, sampling, and test methods for carbonated and non-carbonated soft drinks which may be concentrated (solid or liquid) or ready to drink.
This standard does not apply to products for which other standards apply such as:
a) waters (including packaged water, flavoured drinking water and packaged natural mineral waters);
b) fruit drinks.
c) fruit juices, pulp, puree, and nectars.
d) vegetable juices and nectars.
e) herbal juices (ready to drink and concentrates); and
f) cereal based beverages